Star Trek: Discovery

Discovery I can never consider as canon Star Trek.

1.) They completely screwed up the look of the Klingons completely.

2.) Why the frack are they using Holograms to communicate? That is not a thing in this time period, or any other time period that we know of yet.

3.) There are to many subtitles. While as a Trekie I appreciate the fleshing out of Klingon. They could of started them off in Klingon then transitioned them to English. (I am iffy on how I feel about this one).

4.) What is with all the lens flares? Who brought back J.J Abrahams?

5.) What is up with guy they showed in the hologram? Racism among humans is supposed to be dead by this point.

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on 1 I fully agree. I am keen to see how they explain it. Hopefully not with some super fancy parallel timeline.
2: even on VOY they communicate via displays, so that hologram stuff is unnecessary. I may also add the episode 4 “mirror” hologram to that list. That is so TNG hologram technology. Wasn’t even invented in DIS time.
3. imho, it adds to the atmosphere. Nothing wrong with that. Explaining their culture and all that. I think, that is one main topic in DIS.
4. Lens flares are nowadays “wanted” “cool” “super fancy”. Like Blur and ambient occlusion in video games. To be honest, I think it’s horrible. All three.
5. I don’t know what you mean. Can you tell me what episode, and approx which minute?
The “albino” klingon is discriminated by the klingons, most probably because they’re klingons

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On 5 I am talking about the federation. Not anyone else. It is canon that racism isn’t a thing any more among humans.

Is this an American thing? It seems to be something that Europeans don’t care about as much, they talk in another language… there’s subtitles.

Where have you watched up to? At first I thought it was a decision for including that type of effect for federation vessels (Klingon vessels didn’t seem to make use of lens flares.) But further on it seems to only be used on specific scenes where there’s space light causing it (except for one flare in the initial discovery reveal)


Was about to ask the same

Still don’t know which episode you are talking about

@Bubi the first one.

You mean the conversation with the admiral where he suggests she doesnt make assumptions based on race, and she says not to confuse race with culture?

Yes. But he obviously meant to be racist.

Not sure I follow. In what way?

I’ve not seen this and don’t plan on it for any particular reason aside from I just don’t really watch that much television, but I stumbled across this video and remembered this thread existed.

All of that being said, it looks like a shiny turd of a production.

The way he said did not match the words.

You know what people say some times. “It’s not what you say. It’s how you say it.” The way he said it. It sounded like he meant to be racist.

Againt the klingons?

I don’t really agree.
Well, I watch it in german, so perhaps it got lost in translation, but as far as I understood it, he said “based on your history I wouldn’t have thought you’d think in categories like race” where he meant her growing up (almost) like a vulcan child.
So I don’t really see how that should be racist in any way. I don’t really think racism will be 100% eradicated in the next 200 years, but it isn’t really helpful in the starfleet which deals with races like vulcans or even andorians.
If someone says “race” doesn’t mean anyone participating in this conversation is automatically a racist. Perhaps it really means “race” in a normal, scientific way? Like dogs are a different race than cats.

@Eden Lucky you! As far as I know it is only on Netflix outside the US. I have to pay for CBS all access to see it here in the states. Go figure! For now it is not happening.

For one i am glad we have some new Trek coming blending the old and new.
I am a big fan of what Star Trek is representing.

Only that annoyed me a lot, is the big bug that looks like a polar bear of some sort was introduced. Glad it is gone in the later episodes.

You shouldn’t miss Sarek, this is Spocks father.

I found out the show is on Netflix if I’m in the UK… launches VPN

Isn’t The Orville Seth MacFarlanes show that is supposed to be like Star Trek?

seems you are in the wrong topic, as we have a topic about The Orville already;